Monday, May 24, 2010

Posts By Miles

Ben Snoga/ Hunter Goodson: The G&S NFL Sports Blog.

Aaron Gomez/ Michael Page: Aaron Alex's Travel Blog!

Lauren V.: Wildcat Band

Andrew Walker/ David Wenske: Maxilla

Hannah Baker: Lollipops For Everyone.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

7th Grade Up and Downs

     This year in seventh grade, I have had many, many up and downs, but this is because life is changing and more responsibility has been placed upon us. During this year my "Highs" and "Lows" were very different. My highs were, friends, sports,and the NBCA school staff. My lows were grades, depression, and people abusing my friendship. This has been a hugely controversial year. Its has been very fun with all my teachers and all my new friends, but sometimes life is to much to handle and it just makes you give up, but you can never give up because when hope comes back it's a lot harder to come back to your normal level of happiness. Through the months things have gotten better and I have learned to respect and care for things more. I really hope next year is better and will not be so hard, but for now i will deal with it.

   My friends here at NBCA have helped me through the hardest times and made life so much easier knowing that you have people to back you up. I have had many through the years, but most of them have moved away. It's sad to see a friend move away, but when they do just remeber that God has a better friend for you to make next year. I know this because when Eric moved away. I was sad but then school started again and Hunter Goodson came and so did Ben Snoga and they have become great friends. No matter what, you must have your Friends back just as much as they have yours, because friendship is a two way street. If you take, you must also give. This is how friendship works. The way I see it, "If someone is your best friend, and things go silent, that silence wont be awkward." Makes sense doesn't it. I've been played a fool a few times, but when I need cheering up from a friend, they already know before I ask.

  I have done very well in sports this year. Most of my friends play in football and some of them are in track. I played football this year and did very well, because we all worked as a team and did not act alone. We always left everything on the Field. We always tried our hardest to reach our goals. If one of us messed up we all took the blame. In track during our relay, our team started in an illegal spot, and  we got disqualified, but knowing that before running in our relay, I still ran my hardest and we did do well but we got disqualified. It was hard work for nothing. All that hard  work paid off because in the next track meet, i got second place in my division! I was really excited. We had a lot of fun in track because we all did well.

  This year, the NBCA school staff was excellent! I appreciate all their support throughout this year. I will miss all the teachers that are leaving this year! especially Ms. Anzures! She is my favorite teacher! We will all miss her! I also appreciate Mrs. Kolterman, Mr. Pipcan, Mrs. McNichols, Mrs. Zinkgraph, Mrs. Malone, Mr. Shute, and Mr. Matulich. They have helped me so much and have inspired me to persevere and try my hardest to do well in school. Mrs. Anzures has made me a much better writer than I have ever been.I thank all of them for there greatness and I wish that none of them would ever leave this school.

  My grades this year were not the best. They were not very good. I wish I would have tried harder throughout the year. I really miss the days when you could ace every class without studying Of course this was in second grade. It was a really tough year for me... Grades are the worst to deal with. I hate it when you do really well in a class till the end of the year and then you almost fail. You feel like you have been using the same effort all year, but you have to give more than what you have given in the past so you can do well.

  I had a really hard time this year with everything and I just couldn't take it, I just snapped. I was sad. I was depressed and it's not like I had a choice. I was really sad, but I have overcome that but I still am very sad sometimes. Other times, I'm as happy as could be! I have only to thank my teachers, and my true friends for there great support through my hard time. I wish I could repay them for this favor very soon.

  People lie and cheat their way to get things. I brought coffee for some people who were nice to me or who I knew deserved it. Then people were being nice to me for an instant, then just being plain up evil. I was to arrogant to notice till now. I now only give gifts and things to people who are as good a Friend to me as I am to them. If they were genuinely nice to me, I would totally be nice to them. If all people were considerate and nice, this would be a much better world.

  This whole year has been sideways and upside down. I want next year to be better and I really hope it will be. I wish things were said different and things came at different times. I guess this is all part of Gods plan for me. His plan that is too complex for even the brightest of minds to understand. This year in seventh grade, I have had many, many up and downs, but this is because life is changing and more responsibility has been placed upon us. God places this responsibility because he knows we are ready for it. I know he has a great plan for me, but sometimes, I forget.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


  Random: Without a particular aim, purpose, or principal. This is what our whole blog is about, literally. We did that because we felt that something of free expression should follow no order or concept. The complete design of our blog has nothing to do with anything pertaining to anything else. In other words it's random. So random that  the odds of it not being random are worse than the odds of being found floating in the vacuum of space and being rescued and still be alive and those odds(to my knowledge) are 2 to the power of 207,489,643,708 to 1 against. Yes it is worse than that. That number is so big that it would take just over two hundred and 7 lifetimes to figure that out on paper.(if you counted by seconds and not at a random rate). This would conclude our amazing blog odds! See Ms. Anzures, we can sound smart!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Frankecky's Greatest Adventure

     One day, Franecky the cat was trotting down Bunsby Lane when just then, bam, a car hit him in the legs. The driver of the car haden't noticed that it had hit anything, but frankly I can see why, the cat was tiny. The cat layed there in the road for hours and hours unnoticed and unknown so helpless just wanting a cookie. Then suddenly his rescuer came along. A very large, bulky man with light brown hair and a mustache that was curlier than a sheep's coat, was out for a jog. He was running at a very fast pace which is hard to imagine considering his bulkiness. Surprisingly, as soon as he saw the cat he stopped and picked up the little guy.
     The large man ran with the little guy for forty-five straight minutes without stopping for a break. Soon, the man was all the way to the business part of the town, which is nearing the Medical Center. The second that the man got to the Medical Center he yelled at the top of his lungs, "I NEED A MEDIC RIGHT NOW!" to no one in particular. Seconds later, three doctors, two nurses, and one intern came running to them with a stretcher. The man laid Franecky on the stretcher, and the doctors stared the at the man for a second and then pulled him to a room all alone. The man started to walk towards the stretcher, but the intern quickly stopped him from walking. "No one is allowed back there during a surgery," the intern explained. The man sat down on a bench and waited.
     For hours and hours the man sat there staring back towards the surgery room. On the table next to him was a sheet of paper with a pen right next to it. The man glanced at them and then picked them up and started to write. "You don't know me and probably don't even know I rescued you. I saw you lying there and I saw a chance to help and I can't just run by when someone, or in your case something, needs me. So I picked you up and ran you all the way here. As soon as I got you here they rushed you into surgery and they wouldn't let me see you. I won't be when you wake up, but just know, I care about you."
     The man left the hospital and called a cab. He sped away just as the cat came out of surgery. The cats legs had to be amputated. To replace the amputated legs, they had sewn on the legs of a mouse that had recently died. The mouse had no home and was an outcast that no one wanted only because he was different. Aren't we all different though, at least in our own special way. Franecky's legs were no reason to be an outcast.
     Franecky was sent to the homeless shelter in the area. The homeless shelter was shelter was for only deformed animals that no one wants. Franecky remained there for three weeks without a single visitor. He was becoming lonely and was losing the will to live. Then one day, a large bulky man walked in asking for a cat. The attendant said that there was no cat but one half cat, half mouse. The man went up to Franecky, and they instantly recognized each other. The man picked up the cat, walked over to the attendant and asked, "May I have this cat?" The attendant said a very solemn, questionable, "Yes," and then walked away. The man and Franecky walked out of the shelter and never looked back!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Q&A b.

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blog?
Audrey, Mia, Katelyn, Shelby, Hannah B., Miles, Aaron H., and Michael on Michael and Aaron's blog, all have pictures of themselves.

2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?
Kristin wrote that.

3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?
Hannah B. has learned that.

4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?
That can be found on Shelby's blog!

5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?
8 blogs have polls on them, I liked the one about favorite ice cream.





Uber Pwnage

Aaron and Miles uber pwn your face and you are so jealous of us!!!>.<

Welcome Message
