Monday, May 17, 2010

Frankecky's Greatest Adventure

     One day, Franecky the cat was trotting down Bunsby Lane when just then, bam, a car hit him in the legs. The driver of the car haden't noticed that it had hit anything, but frankly I can see why, the cat was tiny. The cat layed there in the road for hours and hours unnoticed and unknown so helpless just wanting a cookie. Then suddenly his rescuer came along. A very large, bulky man with light brown hair and a mustache that was curlier than a sheep's coat, was out for a jog. He was running at a very fast pace which is hard to imagine considering his bulkiness. Surprisingly, as soon as he saw the cat he stopped and picked up the little guy.
     The large man ran with the little guy for forty-five straight minutes without stopping for a break. Soon, the man was all the way to the business part of the town, which is nearing the Medical Center. The second that the man got to the Medical Center he yelled at the top of his lungs, "I NEED A MEDIC RIGHT NOW!" to no one in particular. Seconds later, three doctors, two nurses, and one intern came running to them with a stretcher. The man laid Franecky on the stretcher, and the doctors stared the at the man for a second and then pulled him to a room all alone. The man started to walk towards the stretcher, but the intern quickly stopped him from walking. "No one is allowed back there during a surgery," the intern explained. The man sat down on a bench and waited.
     For hours and hours the man sat there staring back towards the surgery room. On the table next to him was a sheet of paper with a pen right next to it. The man glanced at them and then picked them up and started to write. "You don't know me and probably don't even know I rescued you. I saw you lying there and I saw a chance to help and I can't just run by when someone, or in your case something, needs me. So I picked you up and ran you all the way here. As soon as I got you here they rushed you into surgery and they wouldn't let me see you. I won't be when you wake up, but just know, I care about you."
     The man left the hospital and called a cab. He sped away just as the cat came out of surgery. The cats legs had to be amputated. To replace the amputated legs, they had sewn on the legs of a mouse that had recently died. The mouse had no home and was an outcast that no one wanted only because he was different. Aren't we all different though, at least in our own special way. Franecky's legs were no reason to be an outcast.
     Franecky was sent to the homeless shelter in the area. The homeless shelter was shelter was for only deformed animals that no one wants. Franecky remained there for three weeks without a single visitor. He was becoming lonely and was losing the will to live. Then one day, a large bulky man walked in asking for a cat. The attendant said that there was no cat but one half cat, half mouse. The man went up to Franecky, and they instantly recognized each other. The man picked up the cat, walked over to the attendant and asked, "May I have this cat?" The attendant said a very solemn, questionable, "Yes," and then walked away. The man and Franecky walked out of the shelter and never looked back!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great story, Aaron! I love the names you used. It sounds as if they are living in England. The ending was so super sweet. I love happy endings! You shuold continue this story...
    ~Mrs. A






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Aaron and Miles uber pwn your face and you are so jealous of us!!!>.<

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